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5 Types of Businesses That Really Need SEO

5 Types of Businesses That Really Need SEO

Search Engine Optimization is one of the online marketing strategies that has grown rapidly in recent years. Where many industries are utilizing SEO to help them in increasing sales. For some businesses, SEO is one of the marketing strategies that must be included in their marketing list.

In this internet age, almost all businesses use the internet as a bridge to bring in potential customers. You can take advantage of the internet to promote your products or services to people who are right on target. And the best way to promote your product or service is with SEO.

There are many people who are actively searching for your product or service in search engines. It doesn’t matter who they are and wherever they are because a business needs to make sure that customers can easily find what they’re looking for from your company. By implementing an effective SEO strategy can help customers find your company very easily in search engine search results.

Although almost all businesses can take advantage of SEO to increase their sales, there are several types of businesses that really need SEO such as the following:

1. Small Business and Startup

The types of businesses that really need SEO are small and startup businesses. As a small business or company that is just starting out, of course, it has limitations in resources, budget, revenue and customer reach. Therefore conducting a marketing campaign on a large scale is not a good idea.

But you don’t need to worry, even if you are just starting to start your business there is one effective marketing strategy that can be applied by small and starup businesses. The effective marketing strategy is SEO, where SEO is a very cost-effective marketing strategy.

SEO can lighten the burden on your budget and at the same time can provide benefits for your business. With SEO, you can target the same people targeted by large companies. At its core SEO helps you compete with big companies for the same target audience.

2. Online Service Company

The next business that needs SEO is an online service company. Where online service companies have to get higher ranked to generate more clients. Because websites that appear on page one of Google have a greater chance of getting more traffic.

And if the online service company is able to appear on page one of Google, then it is very likely to generate more customers. That’s why online service companies need SEO to tie their rankings in Google search results.

3. Restaurant & Cafe Business

For restaurant or café business owners, it is very important to include SEO in their marketing strategy. Because restaurant and café businesses need to get the best ranking in Google search results let alone for local searches. With local SEO techniques, it will really help your restaurant or café to be easily found when someone is typing keywords related to your local search.

If you don’t already have a website to promote your restaurant business. It is highly recommended to create a restaurant website early. Because with an SEO-optimized website, it will really help you in improving your restaurant or café business.

4. Medical and Legal Professionals

Medical professionals and legal professionals are the types of businesses that are in dire need of SEO. SEO helps this type of business win the competition by making it superior to certain keywords. Like medical professionals, it will be easier to get clients if they use SEO for their website.

Most medical professionals have specific specialist fields that can help reduce the competition of targeted keywords. In addition to that some medical professionals operate locally, this would be great because they will have better competitiveness in the market. So when people are having problems with their health, they can find them online through search engine searches.

Legal professionals are just like medical professionals. They can focus on keywords focused on the service that is their specialist. So when the target audience is looking for a solution to their legal problems, they can find you in google search results. That’s why SEO has become so important for both of these types of businesses.

5. Contractor

The latter are contracting companies, where contracting companies need visibility to improve their brand. Maybe you know that companies that appear on page one of Google will gain greater trust than companies that are far from page one of Google.

The best SEO strategies can help improve your website’s ranking in search results. If your contracting company appears on page one of Google for the targeted keywords then it can help increase leads and sales.


Actually, not only these 5 types of businesses can benefit from SEO but there are hundreds or even thousands of industries that need SEO. But this type of business is the type of business that can get the most benefits from SEO.



  • Don Michael

    My passion for SEO started when I launched my first website and realized how important it is to have a solid online presence. Since then, I've dedicated my career to mastering the art of SEO, and I'm excited to share my knowledge and insights with you. Through my blog, you'll learn everything you need to know about search engine optimization and how to take your website to the top of the rankings.
