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How To Manage Websites To Increase Ranking & Traffic

How To Manage Websites To Increase Ranking & Traffic

Do you have a new website and are confused about how to manage a website to increase ranking and traffic? Well, that’s right, because in this paper we have prepared a way to manage a website to increase rankings and visitors.

This method can be applied to new websites and old websites, so for website owners, it is mandatory to learn this method. Moreover, if you want to increase the ranking and bring in more visitors, then you have to implement it.

Website is one of the digital media used to bring in online customers. But if managed correctly then it will only be your own spectacle. Because people won’t know that your business has a website.

In order for the target audience to know that you have a website, you must manage it so that search engines increase rankings in search results. If there are many keywords that are highly ranked, visitors will increase.

This is why the website must be managed appropriately, because if the website is left alone without being optimized for search engines and users, it will not produce. Websites that are not maintained properly will find it difficult to get rankings and also potential visitors.

If you are currently looking for an article that discusses how to manage a website properly and appropriately, then this is the place to be. We write for you step by step so that you can more easily implement it on your website. So no need to linger, let’s get started!

The Key to Success in Managing a Website so that Ranking and Traffic Increase

When you decide to create a website means you also need to be prepared to manage it. Because creating with manage is an inseparable package. Especially if the main goal of building a website is to bring in online customers, then you have to manage it.

So here are some ways to manage a website that you can run easily:

1. Complete All Tasks After the Website Is Onlineed

Even if your website is online, there are still tasks you need to complete. Launching a website costs a lot of money and effort, and you’ve been successful in getting to this stage. But this is not finished yet because you have to go back to work.

Although this work has been completed during the website building process, it doesn’t hurt if you test it yourself. So if there is a task that has not been completed before the website is launched, then you can complete it immediately.

Then what are the tasks that you need to complete? Here’s the explanation:

  • Mobile Friendly – What you must check is whether your website is mobile friendly or not. Mobile friendly web design is very important because nowadays almost all internet users use mobile devices. So you can check it by accessing your website via a mobile device.
  • Check Page Speed – Next is to check the speed of your website. You need to know that website speed is very important to reduce the number of bounce rates. So make sure that your website speed is no more than 3 seconds.
  • Responsive – Check the screen size of your website, whether it appears responsive to various devices or not. A good website is a website with a professional screen that does not require manual
  • SEO Friendly – The most important thing is to check if your website is SEO friendly or not. An SEO friendly website will help your website be fast in the index so that it is ranked.

2. Determine the Target Market

The second step to managing a website is to determine your target market. Of course this is very important because it affects the people who will be made into your customers. You need to determine the target market and target audience so that you don’t target the wrong target.

Before you implement a website marketing strategy, then you need to think about the goals and objectives of your website. You should do thorough keyword research, have relevant content and an engaging CTA (Call to Action).

If you have determined your target then it will be easier to create content that can later attract the target audience to your website. This is one way that you don’t get the wrong target so you have to determine the target market and target audience for website marketing.

3. Presenting Quality Content

Don’t let your website go out of style, you should present new content consistently with topics relevant to your industry. In any type of marketing, of course, it cannot be separated from content, because content is one of the important elements of customer entrants.

Create content that is relevant to users’ searches and present it consistently. If you choose to post content 3 times a week then do it consistently. You should also involve relevant keywords to bring in more potential visitors.

4. Choosing a Strategy to Use

The way to manage a website that you should not miss is to choose what strategy you will use to get customers. There are many strategies you can implement, but the most common ones are SEO, Google advertising and social media marketing.

If you want your website to get organic traffic, you need to implement SEO on your website. SEO is a marketing strategy to increase website rankings so as to bring in organic traffic, namely visitors who are generated naturally without paying to search engines.

While Google Ads is a marketing strategy that brings visitors with a PPC or Pay Per Click system. From the name alone, it is clear that this strategy is paid that is, you have to pay for every ad clicked. Because in Indonesia it uses Google, the paid ads used are Google Ads.

In addition to SEO and Google Ads, you also need to use social media to drive traffic to your website. Since almost everyone uses social media, you need to reach consumers through social media marketing.

In order for your website to get more traffic, you need to determine which strategy you will implement. This is important in managing a website, because the key to successful online marketing lies in the strategy applied.

So that’s how to manage a website so that the ranking goes up and generates more visitors. If you implement this method it allows your website to rank high while generating a lot of visitors.



  • Don Michael

    My passion for SEO started when I launched my first website and realized how important it is to have a solid online presence. Since then, I've dedicated my career to mastering the art of SEO, and I'm excited to share my knowledge and insights with you. Through my blog, you'll learn everything you need to know about search engine optimization and how to take your website to the top of the rankings.