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Find Out The Strategies to Increase Sales Through Google Here

Find Out The Strategies to Increase Sales Through Google Here

For someone who is new to online marketing, it may be possible to ask why Google can help bring in sales. In digital marketing, Google is a search engine platform that has billions of users around the world. Google is known as a search engine that always tries to display the most relevant search results for every search even for product or service searches.

The main requirement that must be met by you to increase sales through Google is to have a website. A website is a digital asset that must be owned by every business, organization, agency and even individual. If the website is intended for business, then the website is a seller’s tool that works all day long. If the website is intended for organizations or agencies, then the website is a source of information related to the organization or agency.

If you want to increase sales, then you must have a website as an online seller tool. Because with a website, your consumers can easily find products or services on Google as long as you optimize them. Websites that appear on the front page of Google for keywords that have search volume related to your industry have a greater chance of getting customers.

That’s why every business is vying to display their website on page one of Google. If you want your business to get more potential customers through the internet, then you are obliged to display your website on the front page of Google using keywords related to search your industry. Now that you know the reasons why Google can bring in sales, it’s time for you to know what strategies can bring customers to your website.

You Must Know Strategies to Bring In Customers Through Google

To display your brand on page one of Google, not only by having a website, but your website must be optimized for Google and users. Because there are thousands of websites from your competitors competing to rank on page one of Google. And if you want your website to be on page one of Google, then you should optimize it for Google.

There are two ways you can do to display your website on page one of Google, namely with SEO techniques and Google Ads. What is SEO and what is Google Ads? Let’s read the explanation below.

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The first strategy to increase sales through Google is with Search Engine Optimization or people more often call it by the term SEO. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process of improving a website’s ranking on page one of Google to generate quality traffic.

SEO is an online marketing strategy that must be carried out by every business, because with SEO your business brand will be displayed on page one of Google for a period of time that longer. As long as it continues to be optimized properly and guided by the latest Google algorithms, your ranking will be strong.

When you do SEO on a website, you need to apply 4 types of SEO to get the expected ranking results. But if you don’t have much time to do it, you can use an SEO service provider to help. SEO providers do the best SEO strategies to generate higher rankings and more traffic.

2. Google Ads

The second way you can take to increase sales through Google is with Google Ads. Google Ads which used to be known as Google Adwords is a way to display websites instantly, where websites can be displayed on page one of Google in a faster time . Thanks to Google Ads in a matter of hours your website can appear on page one of Google for targeted keywords.

Google Ads aims to generate quality traffic faster. This fast process is what makes Google Ads the business owner’s choice for displaying their brand on page one of Google. Google Ads uses a Pay Per Click (PPC) system for every ad that an audience clicks on.


SEO and Google Ads are both strategies that aim to display a website on page one of Google. But the difference is, if SEO requires a long process to rank higher on Google. Google Ads only takes a few hours to show your website on page one of Google. But, SEO is free whereas Google Ads is paid.

These two strategies can be carried out simultaneously to produce maximum results. Because both have their own advantages that can provide benefits for your business.



  • Don Michael

    My passion for SEO started when I launched my first website and realized how important it is to have a solid online presence. Since then, I've dedicated my career to mastering the art of SEO, and I'm excited to share my knowledge and insights with you. Through my blog, you'll learn everything you need to know about search engine optimization and how to take your website to the top of the rankings.